Wednesday 17 August 2011

So What is good?

What does the word "Good" mean?
Well the English Dictionry defines "Good" as -

Adj: To be desired or approved of.
Noun: That which is morally right; righteousness.

There is no denying that the word good is a positive word. It's opposite afterall is "Bad" - a negative word. "You are good looking" Once said to someone it could make that person  feel good about themself. Notice the use of Good in that sentence? Good can also be used to describe how one is feeling.
Good can be used to describe many things but you must be able to JUSTIFY why something is good and that is something I'm aiming to do this summer.
For this summer breif I must list and investigate
  • 1 Object
  • 1 Place
  • 1 Activity
  • 1 Opinion
  • 1 Concept

And prove their reasons for being "GOOD"

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