Wednesday 24 August 2011

People go travelling for all sorts of reasons.
Wether it'll be for business, sightseeing or for the weather.

When someone describes their holiday the first thing they are likely to talk about is the weather. Most brits go away for that reason. They want to get away from the typical British weather. In some countries their winter is hotter than our summer so why shouldn't we.

The Weather

The experience.

  1. Chichen Itza
  2. Christ the Redeemer
  3. Colosseum
  4. Great Wall of China
  5. Machu Picchu
  6. Petra
  7. Taj Mahal

These are all the New wonders of the world. You can only see these by travelling!
Ask anyone who has been to see at least one of these sights and the response would most likely be
"You have to see it to know what it's like" or something among those lines.

Chichen Itza, Mexico.

Colosseum - Rome.

Machu Picchu

You could argue that you've seen all these things before. On tv or on the internet. These photos shown show the scale and altitude of these wonders but in order to get a FULL feel, you need to be there and experience it.

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