Friday 19 August 2011


Travelling -
My own experience.
They say that travel broadens the mind. Well, if that's true then I guess I'm not broad-minded!
As a youngen "Holidays" were long drives in a cramped family car. Devon, Cornwall, Brean.
These were the holiday destinations. It was always somewhere down south. I didn't mind this as I was a young city boy and any change in scenery is good. Quite a few things were different - The accent, the temperature (It was mostly really warm whenever we went on holiday) the people, actually being able to see the sky without a tall business building dominating your view, so it really felt like I was  "away". Anyway, this venture down south went on for many years until I found out that people actually went to different countries for the same thing. Only difference was that it was hotter, the beaches were clean and golden and the sea was as blue as the bluest sky. I wanted this. But being one of 5 at the time, financially, holidays abroad were out of reach. I eventually stopped going away on holiday right after my youngest brother was born which bumped the family numbers to 6. I was 14.
Many years had passed and still, no tan, no foreign tales. In 2009 I went on an "Educational visit" to Paris with my college group to learn about the arts. All we did was get drunk all the time but this was my first taste of truly being away from the UK. Once again everything was new, the accent was different like before but they weren't speaking English, the temperature- much hotter than Cornwall which seemed mild in comparison. I had been away and seen new things but I wanted to go further.

18th July 2011.
This was it. My first time on a plane. Me and my girlfriend went to Portugal. It was unlike anything I had experienced before. Being 38,000ft up in the air, seeing the world above the clouds, finding out no matter if it was raining on ground it was guaranteed to be clear and sunny in the air, using foreign currency properly, learning a new language and feeling the golden sand in between MY toes. Mine! I came back with not only a tan but a better knowledge of what it is like to go away  - Far away.  Travelling to portugal has definitely given me the travellers bug and I'm already looking to go away very soon.

My first time on a plane
The view from our apartment

The view on the way to the beach.

My feet in the sea.

The sunset.

Aqualand - The water park.

Landing at Faro airport.

Taking off from Faro airport (Portugal) to Manchester (from my phone)

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